Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The dentist
gave me Novocain
Before he drilled
to numb the pain.
Why all the hurt? 
if it could be prevented
Blessed be the one
who invented.
Then I came home 
started to eat
But wasn’t able to tell
if  'twas tart or sweet.
Couldn't taste the food
and so instead
Chewed my lip
until it bled.
There are  problems
that are very real
Which can happen
if you cannot feel.

I decided
to use Novacain
On my heart
to numb the pain
Why be hurt?
it could be prevented
From being degraded
and feeling all dented
Being loved, cherished
just wouldn’t stay
Feeling care or concern
went the other way
To protect my inner self
in a time of need
I didn’t even know
that a heart could bleed
There are some issues
which are very real
That stay unresolved
when you cannot feel.


  1. you're good....

    love your use of color...and rhyme...

    and you're deep.

    you go, gal


  2. You are an excellent writer. And your poems get right down to the core of the issue. Keep them up, I can't wait to see more!!!
