Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Caring Theory

I have this theory
That times I am wary
Of people who care,

When they are being nice
And have good advice
That they're willing to share.

Is it something genuine?
Or are they being a heroine?
The motive’s not clear,

I think that I know
The intention will show
Eventually, it will appear.

They say it for my good
And really it could
Yet do I feel myself fear?

If I feel the need
Their words to heed
To do exactly as I hear,

Will they take it as rejection
If I don't use the suggestion
Making it my burden to bear?

Or can they understand
That they can't really understand
...Is that the true meaning of care?


  1. my theory:
    ppl like to dispense advice.
    some ppl care.
    say uh huh.. and do as you like :)
    is that advice? lol.

  2. sounds like you must
    learn how to trust,
    no need to fear
    those that care,
    cuz in the end
    all we have is that friend
    a true gift
    its no myth....

  3. Still trying to figure that out too....
    I think that true caring is being there in whatever way you need, and standing back when that's the need.

  4. Sun- I think that is a great definition! I also think it is easier said than done...
